“Is This What a ‘Good Woman’ Really Looks Like? Run If He Says This”

When a man describes a “good woman,” what exactly is he talking about? More often than not, he’s referring to someone who stays home, cooks, cleans, washes clothes, takes care of the kids, and maybe even goes to work. This description, while common, often comes from men who want a woman to handle the household chores without providing the love, support, or respect she deserves.

But here’s the real question: Why should you be flattered when a man tells you that you are a “good woman” for doing everything for him? If you love and respect yourself, this type of man should raise red flags.

The Problem With This Description

Many women feel complimented when a man refers to them as a “good woman,” but let’s be clear. If your goal is to be a homemaker, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s important to recognize that this type of man often won’t give you the affection and support you truly deserve. You deserve love, emotional connection, and a partnership, not a life spent running errands, doing chores, and filling a role that only benefits him.

The Danger of Falling for This

If you think you’ve found the man of your dreams just because he calls you a good woman, it’s time to pause and reflect. You should already know that you are a good woman. You don’t need validation from someone else based on what you’re willing to do for him. It’s vital to understand your worth before entering into any relationship. If you’re dating, you’re looking for someone to complement your life, not use you as a maid.

Statistics Don’t Lie

Take a look at some statistics on homemakers and their eventual frustration with unbalanced relationships. Many women who pour their time and energy into maintaining a household without receiving emotional or financial support from their partners end up feeling resentful, burned out, and eventually divorcing with little to show for all their efforts. So, before settling for this kind of relationship, ask yourself: Is this really the life you want?

What a Good Man Really Wants

A good man isn’t concerned with whether you can cook, clean, or manage a household. He can do those things for himself if need be. What he values is having a partner who complements his life—a woman who can share love, laughter, and respect. A true partner isn’t there to make you happy; they’re there to share in the happiness you already bring to the table.


If you’re a woman who knows her worth, never settle for a relationship where your role is reduced to housekeeping duties. A good man is someone who adds to your life, not takes away from it. If you’re unsure about what you want in a partner, take some time to reflect on yourself first.

Do you think women are often valued for the wrong things in relationships? Let me know in the comments below! And if you’re ready to take the next step in finding the right partner, make sure you know your worth and check out my digital e-book to help guide you.